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My Story

Growing up in a small town, I always felt like I didn't quite fit in. To make matters worse, I was diagnosed with endometriosis in middle school and later with fibromyalgia in high school. I was in constant pain for almost a decade, but I refused to let that stop me from finding a way to shine brightly.


So, I left Indiana and headed to California, where I embarked on an incredible journey of self-discovery and healing. After years of adventure and working with mentors, doctors, and self-healing modalities, I finally found relief from all of my symptoms. I even managed to get off all 15 medications I was once on before.


From not being able to hold a simple job to now being able to build my vision and have success in a multitude of career fields within modeling, fitness, cannabis and cheerleading is something I'm extremely grateful for. I deeply feel that weathering this storm life gave me was to ultimately be able to share the lessons and gifts I was given along the way. 


My career as a model and NFL cheerleader has given me an understanding of the importance of presentation, body language, and self-expression. As a personal trainer and life coach, I've learned how to help women build their mind, body and spirit while finding their power. And my work as a cannabis influencer and budtender has taught me about the healing power of plants and alternative therapies.


All of these experiences have come together to create a unique skillset that I use to help women feel powerful, sexy, divine, and confident. Whether through one-on-one coaching, retreats, courses, or content creation, I'm committed to helping women access their inner goddess and shine brightly.

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